The early years of a child's life are critical for their development, and parents have a crucial role in promoting their child's physical, cognitive, and emotional growth. Parenting goals during this time may include providing a safe and nurturing environment, establishing a routine, promoting healthy sleep habits, encouraging age-appropriate play and exploration, and fostering a secure attachment between the child and their caregiver.
Common developmental milestones for children aged 0-2 years include reaching physical milestones such as crawling, standing, and walking, as well as cognitive and language milestones such as babbling, responding to their name, and understanding simple instructions. During this time, parents may also notice their child's social and emotional development, such as the ability to recognize familiar faces, show affection, and express a range of emotions.
While developmental delays are not uncommon in young children, parents may also face mental health concerns during this time. Postpartum depression, anxiety, and stress are common among new parents and can impact the quality of their parenting. Additionally, young children may experience behavioural concerns such as tantrums, difficulty with transitions, and separation anxiety.
It is important for parents to seek support and resources if they are struggling with their mental health or parenting, as early intervention can lead to better outcomes for both the parent and the child. This may include talking to a healthcare provider, seeking counseling or therapy, or connecting with parenting support groups.