How's Your Health?
General Health Questionnaire
Do you feel like there is some sort of discomfort, disturbance or distress in your life and you don’t know what is it or why is it happening? If your answer is yes, then this tool can give you a better understanding about how your overall health is affected. This can help give direction to your healing journey.
This assessment is a widely used screening tool designed to assess an individual's general mental health and well-being. The total score on the GHQ provides a measure of an individual's overall psychological well-being, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of mental health problems. It provides a preliminary indication of an individual's psychological distress and helps identify those who may require further evaluation.
So, let’s get started!
- Participants below age 18 are requested not to take the test as it has been found to be valid for individuals above age 18.
- This assessment does not have a time limit but on average is completed in a few minutes.
- Read the statements given below very carefully. These statements are related to your overall health.
- Kindly answer the questions based on how often and how recently have you been facing those problems mentioned in the question.
- Rate your answer based on your experiences in the past few weeks.
- Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.
Disclaimer: This assessment is for purposes of self-awareness and knowledge. They are not meant to be used for diagnosis. We encourage you to speak to a mental health professional to better understand your results.